Sharing Economy Culture In The Creative Space

One of the largest economic shifts we have seen during the 21st century is the formation of a “sharing economy” model. Years ago being able to own expensive goods was a marker of status. It did not matter whether you had an expansive library of books or were able to gloat that you were a “two car family,” consumers strived to broadcast their wealth through the goods they purchased.  

That sentiment has rapidly disappeared but why?

According to Forbes, there is a thriving “minimalist” movement today. The birth of this minimalism, embraced mainly by millennials, is deep rooted in the  2008 recession when many people struggled financially.  By combining the new “access trumps ownership” mindset of the late 2000s with the invention of game changing technology, companies like Uber and Airbnb were able to change the way people viewed consumerism. Why pay an exorbitant amount for a new car when you could be picked up and dropped off at work within ten minutes for under ten dollars?

The economy sharing model does not translate only to consumer goods such as vacation homes, bikes, and gently used clothes.  The creative industry has a booming sharing-economy culture as well; just with a different look.


When broken down, hiring a freelancer is no different than ordering a Lyft.  A person is being hired, usually through a digital platform, to provide a service.  It is even argued that the long standing freelance tradition of the creative industry is the predecessor of our current sharing economy.

How does this brief history of the sharing economy and growth of companies such as Airbnb connect with the goals and beliefs of smith & beta? On June 15, 2017 smith & beta will be hosting an open workshop in New York City.  

By using a co-funded model, workshop prices are drastically reduced which allows smaller organizations to gain access to content and instruction typically reserved for six figure budgets. With this workshop smith & beta hopes to provide smaller organizations with opportunities for growth.  Just as companies like Uber help to provide services for people that need them but do not always have the budget.  

For more information on our June 15th open workshop visit:

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