Six Years Strong

smith & beta is now 6 years into our research of the capabilities and ways of working at agencies.

Our research started almost accidentally. We knew that we needed to understand how employees felt about their actual skills. Particularly in areas of digital – data, social, mobile and such. We also knew that leaders often have an inaccurate view of the capabilities of their company. But at first, we didn't know why.

So we decided to start asking employees to tell the truth (anonymously) about their skillsets and mindsets. They started sharing all we needed to know (and sometimes more than we needed to know). In addition to skills, we've collected opinions about agency culture, leadership, process (always the processes) and how to change the way their agency should work to produce the best ideas and win clients. Most leaders want to know the truth about capabilities, some do not. 

The data in our 2018 State of Industry Talent and Digital Transformation means something. The results point to a deficiency but also an opportunity. It's time to shift our thinking about "training" and start investing in those who are running the business. 

Share the results with your boss, co-worker, CEO and have a discussion about the actual capabilities of employees. And then call us so we can help you navigate, assess and map the skills of your organization.

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Knowledge is Recession Proof

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The Future is Already Here

The future is now. We had a great time working with Zoe on this Giide for an agency.

Retention is > Hiring

Organizations often over-index for hiring vs retaining. What if we spent equal time retaining as we do hiring?