2021 The Big Shift

Without a doubt, 2020 was a big shift from how most of us were working. Remote was the new normal. While many us thought distributed and remote work might be temporary, much of our new work habits will carry over to 2021. Employees now have developed new habits, beyond Zoom, that will carry them into a future of more distributed and connected work.

Employers need to prepare for a more permanent distributed and remote work environment. Starting with training...

Agreed upon norms, expectations and new ways of working require talent development programs that resemble less about the past and more about the future. These programs should include basic blocking and tackling such as: 

How to Un-Zoom

Managing Remote Teams

Distributed Conversations

Feedback from Afar

Long Distance Customer Service

Remote Sales Strategies

...and more

Contact us for a custom 2021 program design that fits your business and needs starting with a talent assessment!

Cheers to a new year.

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