Community Education - A Fresh Take on a smith & beta Staple

We are excited to announce the launch of our newest product, Community Education!

Community Education (or CoED for short) is a subscription-based professional training program for agencies and brands in our community. The monthly workshops offer continual education on critical digital topics to ensure organizations have the capabilities to rise above the competition. Our unique co-op model provides high quality talent development and content instruction to local, small and medium sized organizations through innovative, hands-on, connected-to-work programming that facilitates meaningful and substantive growth.

Agencies and brands in the community will be able to purchase a subscription for an allotted number of seats at our workshops. Each workshop covers cutting edge content taught by an industry leader with an external point of view on capabilities and practices. The classes will vary in content, but will be highly relevant and useful for both marketers and advertisers.

Our classes will cover topics such as digital strategy and trends, content strategy, social media platforms, leadership, prototyping and new technologies to name a few. Additionally, attending organizations will have input into future class offerings.

Agencies and brands will be able to send ten of their employees to a professional development workshop for less than the admission cost for one person at most industry conferences. Subscriptions are by organization rather than individuals, thus brands and agencies are able send the employees who would benefit the most to each of the classes.  Moreover, unlike the singular installment design of most conferences, CoED facilitates continual education among employees.

We are launching this unparalleled product in our own backyard, Boulder and Denver, for the initial installment. The first class is taking place on November 18th, with the following class on December 7th.

If you are interested in subscription or have any questions, please contact us directly at and check out the CoED website at

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