Retention is > Hiring

It's never been more important to keep the talent you hire. The great resignation, remote work, and new skill requirements have forced us to reevaluate how we keep and retain who we hire. We all know the costs for rehiring a role, yet we continue to spend less money on keeping employees vs recruiting them. The systems are built to hire vs develop and that needs to change.

Employees repeatedly cite that training is in the top three for reasons to stay at a job. It's no secret that employee development can make a difference in the bottom line performance of a company. Companies need to shift their thinking and work on retention day one. Here are a few tips to get started:

  • Gather all the hiring managers in a room and ask how much they've considered retention when hiring for a role
  • Suggest they interview for "staying power" and what's important to that employee to remain in a role
  • When interviewing, ask potential employees what they want to learn vs what they know

Of course there is a lot more you can do with training and we'll explore that in our next post!

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